Software Services
We supplement our standard software products with a comprehensive range of services:

The continuous development of our products Allocare AMS and Allocare WEB is our core task. We are close to the market in the financial sector and support the players actively by always aligning our software with the latest requirements. In doing so, we also observe developments to be expected in the future. In order to be able to react quickly, we produce two main releases of our software products each year. Our various interfaces are adapted to the latest requirements and continuously expanded.

Client Services
Implementation projects or the implementation of new requirements should be well prepared and specified. Of course, we support you during the conception, the analysis and the implementation of our software products or the introduction of special modules. Your employees together with our experts form joint project teams. This ensures that our experience and expertise is employed and passed on efficiently. The project management structure we design and staff jointly.

Managed Services
If required, we can operate Allocare AMS system in your infrastructure or in a data centre ("run-the-system"). Our services include software updates and ensuring technical operation (housekeeping, system monitoring, etc.).
For this purpose, we offer second- and third-level support as well as assistance with the implementation of additional modules or customer-specific developments. For the latter, we support you from the analysis to the specification to the implementation.

After the implementation of our software in your environment, you are not alone. Our support team will continue to assist you with all questions regarding our software products Allocare AMS and Allocare WEB as well as the various interfaces. We will also be happy to organise various training courses or tailor-made training sessions for you on special topics relating to our software products.

Contact data support
+41 62 748 65 55 |
Support hours Monday- Friday
08:30 – 12:00 | 13:30 – 17:00