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Allocare CLOUD – The Swiss solution

Allocare CLOUD provides you with a comprehensive system solution as "Software as a Service (SaaS)". This is particularly suitable for asset managers who are looking for a software system for CRM, portfolio management and reporting but do not want to operate this in-house. Allocare CLOUD is multi-client capable. All data is hosted and processed in Switzerland. Based on Allocare AMS and Allocare WEB, Allocare CLOUD is a modern portfolio management and reporting system that has been tried and tested on the market for many years.

As a client, you can use Allocare CLOUD and we take care of the data management. All the data you need from the various custodian banks and also from non-bankable assets is always ready to use and correctly reconciled. Your employees can use the desired functionalities on the platform.

The spectrum is broadly diversified:

  • Online access (read only or read & write)
  • CRM functionalities such as checklists and notes from client meetings on a FIDLEG/MIFID basis
  • Order management with pre-trade checks
  • Performance measurement using various methods, including for private equity investments
  • Various compliance, risk and anti-money laundering checks (investment limit checks, transaction monitoring, suitability & appropriateness according to the individual risk profile of your clients, etc.) with corresponding follow-up workflow
  • Review of fund laws for various jurisdictions and individual fund rules
  • Individualized client reporting, also consolidated and in your look & feel

Allocare Data AG
Patrick Schellenberg
Tel. +41 44 521 11 40
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Allocare CLOUD - Demo Access

Request an access to our demo system.

Allocare AG
Kantonsstrasse 3 | CH-6246 Altishofen
+41 62 748 65 65This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Allocare Data AG
Signaustrasse 10 | CH-8008 Zürich
+41 44 521 11 40 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.